Some more text that's italicized to make an impact.
back, baby.
I gotta write again.
I know. I'm like a broken record.
I was going to say it's writer's block, but it's more like analysis paralysis.
I've been analyzing, to the point of going neurotic. Maybe I said that before too.
Twin Peaks has become more than an obsession. It's my golden shovel. I've been digging into all kinds of shit. All the world civilizations and their history, their cultures. Then blending into this thing called Theosophy.
Theosophy goes into just about every topic. It's about learning the truth. Learning about all the beliefs and it really is interesting, especially when there are connections between them. Astrology is probably the main thing. The sky and its wonders.
I've spent a lot of my life learning about different aspects, but never really embracing them all together as much as now. Yeah, Sandman the comic book series is a great example of it. And Invisibles, another of my favourites. And Robert Anton Wilson would do it too, for sure. It's like tying everything together. For a good purpose. For the Truth. For Logos.
ps. gotta fix up the moon pages, past and future