


the best food in the world is in malaysia

the best food in malaysia is in penang

Probably really, the best food is in Kuala Lumpur.

It's a debate.

Anyway, you ask people in KL,
"Where is the best food in Malaysia?"
and quite commonly the answer is Penang.

Another debate is what is the best Malaysian food.

This encompasses a couple of groups. Most significantly, is that Malaysia is a few countries in one. Or, a few nationalities in one. At least in the major areas. In rural areas, there is a much more majority population of Malay people.

In KL, the major groups are:

  • native Malay people. They are majority Muslim.

  • Then there is the Chinese community. They usually have more money and own property and business. They have Buddhist/Confucius shrines.

  • And the third main people are the Indian. It's like the hard work and artistry is in this community. Much life. And mmm, the food.

  • and then there are others like black and white people.

There is quite a Thai influence as well. The next-door neighbours to the north.

you wake up to a malay rice dish wrapped in a leaf, and a cup of sweet kopi.

you select from a buffet of amazing chinese splendors for lunch.

how about the most tasty tandoori or curry for dinner.

it's just so good.

Penang is like a small version of KL. A little microcosm of it. There is an airport, it's a major Visa issuance place, right near the border of Thailand. You can get a sleeper train from Butterworth into Thailand which is awesome, and about which I will write soon.

Penang is fantastic.

You walk down a small street. You pass a Hindu temple, then a Buddhist temple, then you're at a Mosque. There is also a Christian church just down that street. It is most amazing, delightful, interesting.. and also, arguably what is most important.. delicious!

so i am in penang now

i've had two of the 'best' laksas in KL already.

both were in the central market area. i forget what it's called, just a couple stops from main KL transport interchange..

anyway, everyone kept saying, the best laksa is in penang.

so i am in penang now.

fantastic place, so many cool things, cool places, cool people.

and you know what.

what happens when you ask people in penang, where abouts is the best penang food? more specifically, i asked, where in penang is the best laksa?

let me tell you about penang hill. you go up a 45 degree train. on top are the sweetest durians in the world.

there is a also a most beautiful buddhist temple, with monk quarters.

and not just here but in another place. a very special place..

you will get a bus to here. i did, and perhaps, if fortunes smile, i shall live here.

they have a wishing well and lovely chinese zodiac garden.

there is the largest statue of the goddess of mercy i've ever seen..

near the entrance to this temple is where the best laksa was made.

it still may be. it's been quite a while since i was there.

when i was there, this was the place.

and i ate there. it was the greatest food i've ever had. it's hard to rank that. and i did.

mackerel, baby

penang laksa
this is just a tribute
