


I didn't really want to talk about this..

But I'm inspired.

But I'm tired.

Firstly, the contradictions in the New Testament are nothing..

Secondly, what is official humanism..

Thirdly, I think this will be my last post on religion for a bit.

So, I used to be atheist.

I was a militant atheist. An anti-theist. I'd want to convert you to atheism. I'd argue with religious people every day. And I'd want to win the debate. I was such a hypocrite.

I'm not atheist anymore. I'm a God-believing Buddhist. I love Jesus and Krisna. Love and Goodness. You know?

I also have logic and critical thinking ingrained in me. I'm not stupid. I hate it when atheists think they know more than others, and think they are intellectually superior. They are often so fragile in their spirit, and that brings me to a vomit.

I have nothing against atheism really. It's really the anti-theists.. the group of atheists who act like missionaries, wanting to convert others to atheism, who I'm talking about. I was like them and see my past self in them.


So, what's your testament, Mr Atheist?

It's a counter to another's, isn't it. You don't have your own.

Maybe you are an NPC.. and you depend on others for your own beliefs. You actually don't have any beliefs. You have mocking. You have caustic sarcasm. You have hate. And these things are covering up your insecurities.

So, you say 'Wrong! Actoowally, I'm a humanist!'

and then you write articles like this..


C'mon, Mr Humanist, are you really an anti-theist?

and i think it's worse than that because of the anti-logic.

Your heading: "Cruelty in Basic Christian Teachings"..

You attack Christians, then quote a bunch of Old Testament chapters and blame Christians for it, and make jews victims of it! What the..

I don't think you are humanist. I think you are anti-Christian. And I think that is stupid.

Petty and shallow
Words deep only for foolish
Myopic lost souls

Rant over.
