
Hurry Kṛṣṇa


sweet krishna

here is a short tale
on the life of lord krishna
inspired to inspire

baby krishna

baby krisna

Baby Krishna was born at midnight.

His mother was Queen Devaki and his dad was King Vasudeva.

His birthday is called Janmashtami.

It is a week after the first full moon after August 23.

Janmashtami is Thursday, September 7, this year, 2023.

Krishna was born in a place called Mathura.

krishna world

Mathura is in the middle of the flower, near the river.

As a boy, he lived across the river in Gokula.

safe krishna

Mohan ("enchanter")
Govinda ("chief herdsman")
Keev ("prankster")
Gopala ("Protector of the 'Go'", which means "soul" or "the cows").

Jagannatha ("Lord of the World") is a form or incarnation of Krishna,
worshipped in the Puri Hindu temple, and surrounding areas in Eastern India.

3 flutes

Small flute about 15cm with six holes. A whistling flute creating a divine sound vibration.
When Krishna plays the Venu, The four Vedas will come to collect the divine vibration from the sound.

Krishna would play on any of his 3 flutes when they were needed.

These flutes were sometimes bedecked with jewels, sometimes of hollow bamboo.

young krishna

young krishna


This video below celebrates the 50th anniversary of the George Harrison album:

"All Things Must Pass"

what a great song.

i'm going to learn it on guitar.

good night krishna

night krishna
rama krisna