
god of oz



i'm writing a book. it's called God of Oz.

it is set in the same connected world as the Wizard of Oz. It isn't a sequel to that. it's not about dorothy. there is a lion but a very different lion. more like aslan from narnia. his name is solarius. but that's enough for now on that. i said before i didn't want to jinx it. ha.

in case someone (or somebot) steals my idea(s): i haven't published my book so it isn't me! my version will be my version :) when it's ready.

below is just a draft idea of the cover.

i will not be using the word whimsical at all:


i'm using LibreOffice.

it's very impressive and underrated. now and then i get tempted toward ms office but sticking to this office has been rewarding. i mainly use Calc, and sometimes i think it is psychic. knowing what i want to do. it's great.

and preparing for writing a book, i learned more about Writer. like setting up the fonts and sizes, and layouts and stuff, so there's a nice and consistent style, and then each chapter, its own document in that template. this way is especially good in the case(s) of switching chapter positions within the main book. The main book document waits til all the chapters are ready and done.

and it's gonna take time. a whole lot of precious time.

it's going to take patience and time.


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God of Oz


zero one two three

male and female and baby

spiral family

complimentary opposites