

drink pipe

Two weeks

I went from heavy alcohol drinking each day to nothing.

Two weeks today. I love it.

It was a combination of attitude plus synchronistic events, for sure. Things fell into place. I had attempted before but lacked the right way of doing it. It was out of fear or guilt on my drunken behaviour, or knowing I should stop rather than really wanting to stop.

I admit when thinking about this post today before writing, that I had an urge to drink. It didn't last long. It was habit in me. I was in such a habit of going to the bottle shop or pub, as a daily thing to do. Merriment with the lads and the computer. Oh ho ho!

And then the imagining, the taste of a beer in my mind, didn't taste good. I didn't want it. Or wine, or anything like it.

I think it will be interesting when I next visit the city. The crutch, the dutch courage of alcohol I leaned on, will be replaced with love.. and maybe I'll get a walking cane.

I'm back to coffee! Delicious coffee. I've been microwaving a mug of a milk then adding sugar and coffee into it. So good. I prefer it 2.3 times more than hot chocolate.

Also juice. And I now buy water. Casks of mountain water. 10 litres at a time. Very handy. And no pineal-gland-calcifying fluoride added!

I had a fatty liver years ago, and it must have only gotten worse since my last test. Hopefully, he, like me, can start to get a little fitter.

